Side Hustle report 2022

We all know the benefits of side hustles,
Americans (40%) currently have a side hustle, up from about a third (34%) in December 2020.
More than 1 in 3 Americans (36%) have started or plan to start a side hustle in 2022, compared to just under 1 in 4 Americans (24%) who said the same about 2021.
Men are more likely than women to say that they currently have a side hustle (44% vs. 37%) and that they have started or plan to start a side hustle in 2022 (39% vs. 33%).
Gen Z (ages 18-25) and Millennials (ages 26-41) are more likely than Gen X (ages 42-57) and Boomers (ages 58-76) to say that they currently have a side hustle (59% & 61% vs. 36% & 22%) and that they have started or plan to start a side hustle in 2022 (60% & 55% vs. 35% & 13%).
Americans who have a side hustle spend 13.4 hours a week, on average, working their side hustle, and more than 2 in 5 (44%) spend less than 10 hours a week. Only about 1 in 10 side hustlers (13%) are going above and beyond and putting 30 hours or more in a week. Additionally, Americans who have a side hustle make, on average, $12,689 per year from it, with nearly 2 in 5 (37%) saying they make $5,000 or more annually and nearly 1 in 5 (17%) saying they make $15,000 or more annually.
Men make more than twice as much income, on average, from their side hustle annually compared to women ($18,105 vs. $6,906).
Side Hustle report 2022( study from Zapier )